Monday, December 31, 2007

December 31 how 2008 began.

Happy new year!

December 30

Church this morning. We finished the video series on "the four marks of a cult" today in CE, it was real good. Made me see how easy it is to twist scripture and how the slightest changes to it can change an entire theological view.

Joe and Alison came over in the evening and we had a photo shoot. It was so funny. Joe is hilarious, and very animated.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

December 29

Emily, Shannon, Julia, and Katie came over today.

We went to crocker park of course, and ran into the Birchfields at Borders (not literally).

You are always bound to see someone you know at Crocker park.

It was a nice lazy fun evening.

December 28

Ginny Pervis gave me a Christmas present today, my own tea pot. It is green. She has a matching one. I love it.

The Hurst came over this evening, it was nice to finally see them and hang out again.

While me and Alanna were sitting on my bed talking Amy and Ciara threw open the door, dressed in nerf gun gear, shooting nerf guns at us. It was hilarious.

It was a real fun night.

Friday, December 28, 2007

December 27

Today we celebrated Liam's birthday and since Logan and Randy came so did Nai and Ruth.

Most of the time we hung out at crocker park. It was nice to see them again! We shared a lot of laughs throughout the day.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

December 26

The 26th of December is one of my favorite days of the year. All the stress of Christmas is over and it is just so darn lazy.

Hanna came over we went to Chipotle and the movie "Juno"...which wasn't nearly as good as I thought it would be...

But we had a really fun photo shoot against the colored temporary walls next to Chipotle.

We did all these sequence shots of Amy and Hanna throwing punches at each other and rolling around on the sidewalk.

I was laughing so hard that a lot of them turned out blurry.

We went to Borders to see if they had the Juno soundtrack (because the music was crazy sweet).

As I was looking I heard Jordan Wilhelm's laugh in the isle beside me and poked my head over and there where like 8 Hearts people standing there. It was weird.

And I also snook up on Aubyn and Nate while they were reading, I jumped out from behind a bookshelf snapping pictures of them.

Then Leo Kory was sitting right behind them reading, that was embarrassing.

It's so much fun running into people at unexpected times and places.

Alan and Holly came over later and we all had a hilarious game of teledraw and dictionary.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

December 25

Once again, a wonderful Christmas morning.

It was a blast, and there was a lot of good food.

Merry Christmas!!

December 24

Tonight was our Christmas Eve service at church, which is always so beautiful. Our family took over the two back rows.

After service we all went to Uncle Bill and Aunt Maureen's house, it was nice to see that whole side of the family again!

Mom and I stayed up all night cleaning, cooking, and wrapping presents, watching family man and a wonderful life.

A wonderful life never ceases to amaze's the best movie ever made.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

December 23

We went to church this morning.

Mr. Chochola gave all the Sr. High students Christmas gifts this morning, "All of Grace" by C. H. Spurgeon and "Don't Waste Your Life" by John Piper. (Two of my very favorite books!!)

This evening Amy and I joined the rest of the family at a Praise-apella concert which was really fun!

After that Amy, Mary Alice and Myself went to Barnes and noble to spend our last evening together before she leaves for Thailand.

One of the books we looked at was this book of anonymous secrets that people would send in. It was sad, funny, disturbing and sweet.

Then as we were walking out we ran into Joe and Allison.

Then as we were getting in the car we ran into Rachel and Ryan.

So we went back in and hung out for a while, laughing and talking about different quirks that the different family members have.

It was a good way to spend our last night with Mary before she leaves! I'm going to miss her!

And I still have a ton of Christmas shopping to do. Only Joe is checked off on my list...

Saturday, December 22, 2007

December 22

(Advice: When contemplating a question Ask the Pharmacist)

Dad made an awesome breakfast for all us girls this morning (omelets and potatoes).

Diane Sanker and I hung out this afternoon and I also hung out with Ginny Pervis for a while after I dropped off her prescriptions and groceries.

Julie, Amy and I had a fun photo shoot in CVS while we waited for some pictures from the formal to print.

It was nice to see Julie again, it's always a party with her.

December 21

(The four girls, by Amy)
(volleyball team, by Josh or Jordan) (dancing, by Amy)

This evening was the HEARTS 2007 winter formal.

Grace, Emily, Amy and I had a grand time at Rachel and Ryan's house getting our hair done, knitting, and hanging out.

The whole evening was spent dancing and burning calories.

The winter formal committee did a superb job and a wonderful time was had by all.

Emily, Becca, and Mary Alice spent the night, which was also a lot of fun.

After loading the pictures from the formal we "elfed" a handful of people and laughed long into the night. My stomach and face hurt so bad from laughing.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

December 20

Tonight we had our annual Christmas with Gram and Aunt Mary.

It was the first time grandpa never came, due to his poor health condition.

I missed having him. He pretty much sums up what attributes a grandfather should hold. He is about the most dear and handsome man I ever met.

The whole family was here (which is always rare) so that was exciting.

Dad cooked a big meal once again (lemon chicken scallopini), it was grand and I ate way too much.

Aunt Mary knit me a beautiful scarf and socks, and also knit little booties for the new baby!

December 19

Today was mom's birthday, and Alison flew in from Minnesota.

Dad made some good Thai noodles (kuaytiaw raat naa) for dinner...

which was followed by a fun game of teledraw for those of us who are over twelve years of age, and the movie "Elf" for those who are under twelve.

December 18

I was going to wait until the new year to start my own blog page...

But decided to get a jump start while on Christmas break.

I thought that maybe by doing this would motivate me to take pictures each day.

And since i am not much into digital yet, and recently got a digital camera, it will help me get to know, love, and appreciate the digital world.