Thursday, December 27, 2007

December 26

The 26th of December is one of my favorite days of the year. All the stress of Christmas is over and it is just so darn lazy.

Hanna came over we went to Chipotle and the movie "Juno"...which wasn't nearly as good as I thought it would be...

But we had a really fun photo shoot against the colored temporary walls next to Chipotle.

We did all these sequence shots of Amy and Hanna throwing punches at each other and rolling around on the sidewalk.

I was laughing so hard that a lot of them turned out blurry.

We went to Borders to see if they had the Juno soundtrack (because the music was crazy sweet).

As I was looking I heard Jordan Wilhelm's laugh in the isle beside me and poked my head over and there where like 8 Hearts people standing there. It was weird.

And I also snook up on Aubyn and Nate while they were reading, I jumped out from behind a bookshelf snapping pictures of them.

Then Leo Kory was sitting right behind them reading, that was embarrassing.

It's so much fun running into people at unexpected times and places.

Alan and Holly came over later and we all had a hilarious game of teledraw and dictionary.

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