i'm going to columbia in chicago. actually i'm majoring in advertising and minoring in photography. it's a lot of fun. hope you enjoy the art institute
Mary Kathryn's world is a blogspot that holds pictures that i take from my day to day life, and I also typically write something brief about my day or a not very deep thought.
I home schooled all my life, being apart of the homeschool group HEARTS, where all my older siblings and I graduated from and the younger ones are most likely to follow.
Im now attending a Community College that is inexpensive and has given me a good education thus far.
I prefer silver-gelatin prints over digital. Looking at, and understanding, other photographers and their work is what has influenced me most. I had a professor who really stressed the importance of looking at other photographers work, and I have found it to be one of the most beneficial things I have learned. Spending time each day looking at others work has taught me the extremely vast amounts of different photography, It has helped me learn what i like, what i don't like, what to appreciate, who my influences are, it encourages me, it humbles me, it inspires me.
Cameras are like time machines.
Its a wonderful life.
wow, these are great. did you make all of these prints?
nice work.
what school are you at?
i'm going to columbia in chicago. actually i'm majoring in advertising and minoring in photography. it's a lot of fun. hope you enjoy the art institute
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